Vigiani è
Innovazione Design

Da 60 anni al tuo servizio


Per i tuoi progetti 

Our sectors


We offers substantial construction experience, competitive pricing, financial strength, integrity and a commitment to your project that is supported by a foundation of quality and workplace safety.

Civil Infrastructure

The geographical diversity, project complexity and public nature of civil work results in an exceptionally challenging industry that demands a high level of technical construction expertise.

Heavy Industrial

Konstruktion’s industrial construction companies respond to the unique needs of clients in the petrochemical, oil and gas, pulp and paper, mining, and power and renewable industries.

E i nostri


I prodotti offerti da Vigiani, creano soluzioni di alta qualità in metallo.

Dall’arredamento metallico alle automazioni su misura, dai cancelli e recinzioni unici alla carpenteria metallica di precisione, fino ai serramenti all’avanguardia e alle scale in ferro che definiscono lo stile degli ambienti.


Providing exceptional construction services and insight from the start.

Building for the best.

To explore and go after new ways to build, we’ve gathered the people, innovations, and partnerships that can anticipate and overcome new challenges.
0 %
Employee Owned
Project in various industries
With nearly 20 years in business

We watch out for each other.

We want every employee and trade partner to feel that they are part of a common good and cohesive team. We help our teams form stronger relationships with trade partners by emphasizing people and teamwork over processes and checklists.

per qualsiasi domanda

Meet our leadership



Our people are dedicated to finding solutions to every challenge. That spirit makes for some great stories.

Our clients

Vigiani srl – NUOVA LOGISTICA 4.0: magazzino verticale e caricatore elettrico finanziato dal POR FESR Toscana 2014-2020

Il progetto, identificato dal cup 14508.17092020.172001192 ha riguardato la strutturazione di importanti investimenti nella digitalizzazione dei processi legati alla gestione del magazzino. E’ stato acquistato, infatti, un magazzino automatico, con specifiche 4.0, ed un carrello elevatore frontale elettronico.